Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mock Trial--Organics v. The World

Okay--so the question of the decade is... WTF is the deal with "organic" products??  Whether it be in your local supermarket, drugstore, or favorite coffeeshop, the most popular tag line seems to be, "GO GREEN."  However, the more pertinent question should be, how much better... if at all... is it for your skin/hair regimen to use an organic product?  Looking to my prior post, it is clear that I am on a mission to try and figure out the answer.  M has been implementing the organics slowly but steadily into all aspects of her lifestyle--through food, clothing, and skin/hair products--so much of my inspiration is through her.
The first trial we will schedule on the docket covers a battle between four plaintiffs with organic claims behind their case, and the lone defendant(s)... your regular non-organic brand that is brought to you from your good ol' CVS or Target.  M and I are self-professed product whores, so we have a detailed eye for what works and what does not when we try out new things, organic or not.  The beauty of this trial is that I have doled the plaintiffs' samples out to slightly more unwitting participants who are accustomed to using Suave or Pantene from the local convenience store.  Therefore, it will truly be a discovery process that is based on the collection of touch-and-feel evidence.  How does your hair feel with the new product?  Is your hair more agreeable to styling?  Is it less prone to breakage?  Has the oil content in your hair or scalp increased?  Decreased?  Stay tuned folks... it'll be an event for the ages.  ;)

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